Congratulations to the EA Football players who signed Letters of Intent on National Signing Day. Ryan Wilburn - Tiffin, Sam Lucas - Charleston, Scott Davidson - Fairmont State, Malon Johnson - Charleston, Michael Darby - Fairmont State, and Anthony Keels - Tiffin.
Wednesday, February 4
Girls Basketball hosts Africentric
Boys Basketball at Africentric
Tuesday, February 3
National Signing Day
EA Swimmners
Girls Individual Results:
200 Medley Relay - 1st Place, Alisha Diggs, Kenyana Madison, Jessica Williams, Jonmico Williams
200 Yard Free - 2nd Place, Akilah Cooper; 3rd Place, Kiana Bonduant
50 Yard Free - 2nd Place, Jonmiko Williams; 3rd Place, Danielle Brown
100 Yard Free - 1st Place, Kenyana Madison; 3rd Place, Akilah Cooper
200 Free Relay - 1st Place, Jessica Williams, Kiana Bondurant, Kenyana Madison, Akilah Cooper
100 Yard Back - 1st Place, Alisha Diggs; 2nd Place, Danielle Brown
100 Yard Breast - 1st Place, Jessica Williams; 2nd Place, Kenyana Madison
400 Free Relay - 2nd Place, Bondurant, Jonmiko Williams, Cooper, Diggs.
Boys Individual Results:
200 Yard Free - 1st Place, Brennan Waters; 3rd Place, Kenny Wilson
50 Yard Free - 3rd Place, DeShawn Black
100 Yard Free - 2nd Place, DeShawn Black
100 Yard Back - 1st Place, Brennan Waters; 3rd Place, Kenny Wilson
EA at Mock Trial Competition
Tuesday, January 27
Monday, January 26
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please join us for Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday, February 9th and Wednesday, February 11th from 3 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
If you wish to schedule conferences, please call the E.A. Welcome Center, beginning Monday, January 26th, at 365-6158. Please have a list of your student's teachers that you want to schedule a conference with when you call.
Friday, January 23
Vote EA a Cool School
EA Senior wins contest
Impact Team
Thursday, January 22
Boy's Basketball vs. Briggs
Wednesday, January 21
Warrior Softball
All ladies interesed in trying out for Lady Warrior's softball:
Please see Coach Clodfelter in room 125 As Soon As Possible.
- Conditioning begins late January
- Pitchers and Catchers begins February 23rd.
- Full team practice beigns March 9th.
Tuesday, January 20
Credit Recovery Cancelled
Friday, January 16
Eastmoor Academy vs. Walnut Ridge
Saturday, January 10
State Champoinship Game Slideshow
Friday, January 9
Boy's Basketball Schedule Update
Wednesday, January 7
OGT Tutoring
It is not too late to register for the OGT Tutoring and Preparatory Program sponsored by the Bethany CDC. There are nine (9) weeks, (13.5 hours of intensive tutorial instruction in Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Writing) remaining in the program leading up to OGT testing week starting March 16, 2009.
See your counselor for more information.
Girl's Basketball at West
The Girl's Basketball team travelled to West H.S. to take on the Lady Cowboys on Tuesday night. The J.V. team came away with a win by a margin of 68 - 17. The Varsity team improved their record to 6 -1 (5 - 0) with a final score of 81 - 39 in favor of the Lady Warriors.
Standouts for the game were D. Hall with 22 point and 6 steals and S. Murphy with 11 rebounds.
Tuesday, January 6
Of the 16 players from EA that attended: Devonte Norman placed 3rd in the 112 weight class; Craig Curry placed 4th in the 171 weight class; Ian Sheets (AKA Snowflake) and Alan Johnson were runners-up in their weight classes.

Monday, January 5
Poetry Slam
Dreamgirls Rehersal Schedule
Mon. Jan. 5th
Dreamettes and Jimmy w/ Hill 2:45-4:45
Marty, Curtis, C.C., Wayne/Frank w/ Harms 3:00-4:50
Dreamettes, Jimmy, Marty, C.C., Wayne/Frank, Curtis w/Harms 5:00-5:40
Tues. Jan 6th
Dreamettes, Jimmy, Curtis and C.C. w/ Hill 2:45 – 5:00
Wed. Jan 7th
Dreamettes w/ Hill 2:45-3:45 (after Dreamettes are done join Jimmy)
Curtis, C.C., Wayne/Frank w/ Hill 3:45-4:45 “Steppin 2 Bad Side”
Jimmy w/Harms/Dynesha 3:00 – 5:30
Complete Schedule